National Science Center of Poland
The research proposal ΗΑΡΜΟΝΙΑ: SCHOOL-TO-WORK TRANSITION IN A COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE in which M. Symeonaki (Associate Professor), D. Parsanoglou (Researcher at the Center of Gender Studies), and G. Stamatopoulou (PhD student) participate has been approved and the kick off meeting will take place… Read More
  The Department of Social Policy, the MA “Policy, Management and Evaluation of Education” of the Department of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology of the University of Athens, the Greek Comparative and International Education Society and the Society for the Organisation and Management of Education… Read More
Erasmus +
Eleni Prokou, associate professor at the Department of Social Policy, taught at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, in the framework of the mobility for teaching of the Erasmus+ Programme. As part of her teaching responsibilities, she gave a lecture at a seminar of doctoral students. The title of… Read More
The Teaching Staff of the Department Dr. Nikos Kourachanis and Dr. Dimitris Parsanoglou, participate in the International Conference "Re-framing the Migrant Situation in Europe, Critical Issues in Policy-Making and Cross-disciplinary Approaches" to be held on 28 February and 1 March 2019 at the… Read More
The National Center for Social Research and the Department of Political Sciences of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki organize a Scientific Conference on Civil Society and the Social and Solidarity Economy. Its main purpose is to explore this area with emphasis on new theoretical and… Read More
The Associate Professor of the Department, M. Symeonaki, and the researcher of the Gender Studies Laboratory, Dr. N. Kambouri, contributed to the meeting of the Special Permanent Commission on Equality, Youth and Human Rights. The agenda was Gender equality in leisure time - engaging in trade… Read More