China: Political, Economic System and Foreign Policy

Ioannis Giannopoulos

Purpose: The presentation of China’s political – economic system and her growth and its rise and its rivalry with the United State in the international politics aimed at global hegemony through China’s “peaceful rise” political philosophy and through its economic reform and development its gradual upgrading position in the international political system, following its personal political philosophy in foreign policy.

Methodology: Presentation of the China’s political - economic system since the rise of Deng Xiaoping and the subsequent “leap forward” with China’s economic development. An extensive analysis of China’s foreign policy and its relations with key actors in the Southeast Asia region as well as with global actors. Finally, an analysis based in three theories of China’s position in international political system.

Results: China has made many leaps and bounds in recent decades at all levels (political, economic, diplomatic, and military) and its rise to world hegemony is visible in the near future. The dispute with the United States over global hegemony is a given, and it will happen when China acquires a military force similar to the United States. The question is whether the change in the baton will be based on China's peaceful political philosophy or whether objective aims will be achieved through a broad conflict.

Conclusions: With the policy of peaceful rise, China is following a different path in order to reach, or even surpass, the power to become a world leader. The philosophies

of the two great world powers are different and a "cold war" is at the gates, as shown by the policy of the two superpowers in dealing with global crises.

Μέλη τριμελούς επιτροπής
Ακαδημαϊκό Έτος
2019 - 2020